In our daily lives, we often interact and directly use products with materials derived from wood, because wood is indeed one of the materials with good durability. This of course will also have a direct or indirect impact not only on forest and environmental conservation, but also on the entire process chain including its social impact.

Certification by a credible institution is one way to ensure that all these aspects can be monitored and evaluated in accordance with good standards. So that way we can ensure that the product comes from a sustainable forest.

Super Indo's commitment is not only to ensure a good supply chain, but also to be responsible, especially for the supply of own brand products, namely the “Super Indo 365” brand. In relation to sustainable forest products, Super Indo currently provides a selection of FSC® certified 365 private label products, such as cooking utensils and dining tissues.

FSC® or Forest Stewardship Council® is an international nongovernmental organization that promotes environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial, and economically viable management of the world’s forests. To learn more, visit or

Recent research from FSC® and GlobeScan, reveals that consumers want to make sustainability-focused purchasing decisions and trusted third-party certification labels play an increasingly important role. It also found that consumers are increasingly concerned about sustainability issues that are strongly linked to forests, and found that 86 percent of consumers seek to avoid products that harm biodiversity and nearly seven in ten global consumers want to choose products that do not contribute to climate change.

In addition, our efforts to protect forests through sustainable products that are FSC® certified is also a real action and contribution in supporting 40 targets under 14 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). FSC® helps achieve sustainable forest management in the world, one of the targets of SDG 15 (Life on Land). The broad environmental, social, and economic focus of the FSC® forest management principles also contributes to SDGs focusing on poverty, equity, natural resources, production and consumption patterns, decent work, climate change, inclusive and responsible societies, and global partnerships.

Let's be more wise by supporting and buying sustainable forest products for a better life and better future! #BijakPilihProduk

This campaign is for cooperation Super Indo and FSC® Indonesia. FSC® F000236